MaxVot Privacy Policy

This privacy policy tells about our policies and procedures on what data we/MaxVot collect and how we use the data. This App not at all deal with or address anyone below the age of 13. knowingly we don't collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are a parent, guardian, or elder family member and you are aware that your child is using this service/ app, then please inform us, we will try to remove that data.

What data do we collect?

What is Usage Data?

When using this service/ app the usage data is automatically collected. Usage data may include, but is not limited to, device IP address, device location, the time and date of visit, the time spent on the app, type of device, device unique ID, mobile OS, device internet browser, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data. When you use the service We may collect information whenever your device browsers send it. We collect and use this data to provide and improve the service. By using this service, you are accepting this privacy policy and procedures.

Other Data

Along with the above data, we may also collect or have access, with your prior permission, to phone contacts, pictures, videos, photo library, and device camera. We use this data to improve and customize the service. This data may be uploaded to the company's server or service provider's server, or it may be simply stored on your device. Through your device settings, you can disable or enable access to this information at any time.

How do we use your personal data?

The company may use the data collected for the following purposes

To provide and maintain the service and to monitor the usage of the service. The personal data you provide can give you access to various functionalities of the app that are available to you as a registered user.

To contact you: To contact you by mail, phone call, SMS, or any other way, such as app's push notifications related to updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, product, or contracted services including security updates, whenever necessary.

To provide you in-app notifications, push notifications about comments on your posts, friend requests, friends you may know, contact list friends that are in the app, to give you content that is similar to those you have shown interest or searched about unless you have opted not to receive such information.

For other purposes: We may use the collected data for other purposes such as identifying usage trends, data analysis, determining the effectiveness of campaigns, and evaluating and improving our services, and your experience.

We may share personal information in the following situation

With Third-party service providers: We may share the personal information to monitor and analyze the use of our service, and to contact you.

With Affiliates: Affiliates include our parent company and other subsidiaries, joint venture companies, or other companies that we control or that are under common control. We may share the data with our affiliates and those affiliates will be required to honor the privacy policy.

With business partners: We may share the information with business partners to optimize or to provide certain services.

With other users of the app: When you share your information or interact with other users, such information may be viewed by other users and may be publicly displayed.

We may show your personal information for any other purpose with consent.

Retention of your personal Data

We will retain your personal data as long as the purpose is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. The company will retain and use your personal data to the extent necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. We may also retain the usage data for internal analysis. Usage Data is generally stored for a shorter period.

Transfer of personal data

Business Transactions: If the company is involved in a merger, acquisition, or asset sale, your personal data may be transferred. We will provide you a notice before your personal data is transferred and then it becomes a subject of the different privacy policy.

Law enforcement and legal requirements In some situations, the company may be required to disclose your personal data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities.

Links to other websites or apps Our service may contain links to other websites or apps that are not operated by us. If you click on the link, it will be redirected to other sites. We strongly recommend you to see and understand the privacy of every site you visit through this app.